Marcelino Thuku

Meet Marcelino Thuku

Marcelino Waithaka Thuku manages the Watoto Wetu project under the Gender Justice Programme in EACHRights. He is a seasoned Community Development Professional with 20+ years of experience managing and implementing donor funded programs on human rights and peace building in Kenya. His expertise spans various areas, including land, labor, and child rights, transitional justice, devolution, gender equality, and the prevention of gender-based violence and harmful cultural practices. His professional reach extends across diverse landscapes, from the urban informal settlements in Nairobi to Counties such as Garissa, Kajiado, Kilifi, Kwale, Lamu, Marsabit, Mombasa, Taita Taveta, Turkana, and Uasin Gishu.

Marcelino Thuku

Project Manager
  • +254-701-670090
  • Apartment N5,Nine Planets Apartments,Kabarnet Road,Nairobi, Kenya

A graduate of the University of Nairobi with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Anthropology, Marcelino has enriched his academic foundation with extensive training in monitoring, evaluation, reporting, and learning (MERL), data quality
management, resource mobilization, peace-building, conflict management, and finance and  grants

Under his stewardship of the Watoto Wetu project, Marcelino has overseen critical partnerships
between EACHRights, the Directorate of Children’s Services, County Governments and Civil
Society Organizations that have contributed to the development of several important policies
towards addressing harmful cultural practices in Kenya. These include the Kajiado Eradication of
Female Genital Mutilation Policy 2019, The Marsabit County Integrated Child Policy 2024 and
Guidelines for Management of Missing and Found Children in Kenya 2024.

Marcelino  has demonstrated remarkable expertise in  and  in mediating complex disputes and fostering collaboration. During his impactful tenure at the Mombasa Catholic Justice and Peace Commission (MCJPC), Marcelino spearheaded the successful resolution of a water dispute between the Kamba and Maasai communities over the crucial River Njukini water resources in Taveta Sub County, a notable achievement under the USAID – funded Kilifi – Taveta Peace – Building Project. His unwavering commitment to human rights advocacy and peace building continues to make a profound impact on
communities throughout Kenya.
For inquiries, Mr. Marcelino Thuku can be reached at

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