Okero Otieno

Meet Okero Otieno


Chairperson, Board of Directors and Trustee
  • director@eachrights.or.ke
  • +254-701-670090
  • House No. 4 Cedar Court, Timau Road Kilimani, Nairobi, Kenya.

Mr. Okero Otieno is a Democratic Governance, applied Public Policy, Elections, Development and Human Rights expert with over 22 years’ experience working with State, Non-State, Academic, Donor Organizations as well as Think Tanks in more than 15 sub-Saharan African Countries. Mr. Okero Otieno also offers technical and policy support to Regional Governance Non-State Actors. Mr. Otieno has many years of experience in designing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating Democratic Governance Projects and Programmes.

He is currently the Chief Technical Advisor (CTA)-Elections with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Malawi Country Office. Previously he served as a served as CTA with UNDP Nigeria Country Office and the Head of International Foundations for Electoral Systems (IFES) both in Kenya and Uganda Country Office. He also previously served as the Project Manager for UNDP-Kenya Office, Chief of Party with the Kenya Government’s Ministry of Justice, and Constitution Affairs in the countrywide Kenya National Integrated Constitutional Civic Education Programme (2011-2013), Country Director with the International Development Law Organization. Further, Mr. Otieno served as the Head of Governance and Corruption Unit with the Institute for Security Studies, South Africa (2010); Director Democratic Governance Fund-CIDA (2007-2009); Deputy Executive Director and Head of Programmes with the Institute for Education in Democracy (2005-2007; University academic in Kenya (2000-2004).

Mr. Otieno is currently a PhD Candidate in the University of Manitoba – Canada. He holds a Master of Arts degree in Political Science from Central European University, Budapest-Hungary; a Master of Arts degree in Development Studies from the International Institute for Social Studies, The Hague-Netherlands, and Bachelor of Arts degree in Anthropology  from the University of Nairobi, Kenya. Additionally, he has undertaken several relevant courses in the subjects of Human rights, Results-Based Management, Programmed/Project Management, Money and Politics, Public Finance Management Reforms and Anti-Corruption.

He has published a Chapter in a widely referenced book on Governance and authored several online articles and op-eds.

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