Welcome to The East African Centre for Human Rights!
EACHRights; A Non-partisan, Regional Non-Governmental OrganizationEACHRights; A Non-partisan, Regional Non-Governmental OrganizationEACHRights; A Non-partisan, Regional Non-Governmental Organization
N5 | Nine Planets Apartments | Kabarnet Road

About us


The East African Centre for Human Rights (EACHRights) was founded in May 2010 and registered as a Trust in Kenya in November 2010. While the organisation recognizes that all Human Rights are indivisible, interdependent and inter-related and that each right is equally important, we implement programmes that seek to promote, protect, and enhance Human Rights generally but with special emphasis on the promotion and realization of Economic and Social Rights; human dignity; and equitable development.
Under the 2024 – 29 Strategic Plan, EACHRights will mainly focus on the following thematic areas namely –

  • Education
  • Health
  • Climate Justice
  • Business and Human Rights


The main target beneficiaries of our work include the vulnerable and marginalized persons and groups within the different communities in East Africa and beyond including but not limited to children; women and girls; youth; and persons with disabilities.

We constantly explore the inter-sectionality of the said thematic areas including how they affect the realization of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Finally, we espouse evidence based advocacy and to this end, we have elected to use the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) as our main advocacy vehicle at the sub national, national, regional and international level.

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What sets us apart?

  • Pioneering Regional Advocacy: EACHRights was the first regional human rights advocacy organisation that was founded to respond to identified gaps in the promotion and protection of economic, social, and cultural rights. We are the Secretariat of the Kenya Stakeholders Coalition on the Universal Periodic Review (UPR).
  • Focused Programs: Our core programs – Education Justice Program; Health Justice Programme; Climate Justice Programme; and Business and Human Rights Programme – reflecting our commitment to making a positive impact on vulnerable groups and communities and creating sustainable change.
  • Collaboration and Learning: We actively collaborate with other human rights organizations, avoiding duplication and learning from best practices. EACHRights aims to complement existing efforts for a more cohesive and effective impact.
  • Honesty and Commitment: EACHRights has exemplified itself as an organisation that values honestly above all else and is committed to delivering to achieving all institutional, programme and project objectives.

Our Vision

A society that respects and upholds human rights and human dignity

Our Mission

To promote social justice in East Africa through research, capacity building, advocacy and public interest litigation

Our Core Values

  • Respect for Human Rights
  • Commitment to Social Justice
  • Integrity and Transparency
  • Professionalism
  • Accountability
  • Non-partisan; and people focused


  • To be a leading think tank in the promotion, protection and enhancement of economic, social and cultural rights and equitable development among the vulnerable and marginalized groups
  • To enhance the promotion, protection and enhancement of economic and social rights and equitable development among the vulnerable and marginalized groups
  • To enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization through institutional strengthening and capacity building.

Founded following extensive consultations with academics and human rights practitioners from the United Kingdom, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and Ethiopia, EACHRights emerged as a response to the lacuna in addressing economic, social, and cultural rights in the East African region.

We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)