Welcome to The East African Centre for Human Rights!
EACHRights; A Non-partisan, Regional Non-Governmental OrganizationEACHRights; A Non-partisan, Regional Non-Governmental OrganizationEACHRights; A Non-partisan, Regional Non-Governmental Organization
N5 | Nine Planets Apartments | Kabarnet Road

Tender Notice 2021

To download/ access the PDF version of the tender document, click here


The East African Centre for Human Rights (EACHRights) is a non-partisan regional non-governmental organization that seeks to initiate and undertake programmes that will promote, protect, and enhance the realization of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (ECOSOC Rights) in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania for vulnerable and marginalized groups. The organization specializes on the Right to Education; Child Protection and the Right to Health for children in Kenya. With its Education Support Programme, the organization promotes the realization of the right to Education for all through Research, Advocacy, Capacity Building, Partnerships, and Knowledge Management. EACHRights intends to pre-qualify suppliers for various goods and services for the year 2021 to 2023. Interested companies are invited to apply for pre- qualification, indicating the category of goods, services they wish to be considered and the location. Existing companies who wish to be retained must re-apply.


Tenders are invited for supply and delivery of under listed goods and services to The East African Centre for Human Rights in year 2021 to 2023.

Tender NoItem Description
Supply of Goods 
EACHR/SOG/01/2021Supply of General and printed Office Stationery
EACHR/SOG/02/2021Design and supply of branding and promotional materials & Merchandise (Banners,Calendars,Diaries,Posters,Fliers,T- shirts, notebooks, pens)
EACHR/SOG/03/2021General repairs-Furniture and Fittings
EACHR/SOG/04/2021Supply of Office furniture, furnishing and Fittings
EACHR/SOG/05/2021Supply of ICT equipment (Computers and accessories, Maintenance of computer hardware and software, printers maintenace, software licenses & related accessories)
EACHR/SOG/06/2021Supply & maintenance of fire protection equipment (extinguisher, suppression system, smoke detectors & fire rescue services).
EACHR/SOG/07/2021Supply of access control system
Provision of Services 
EACHR/POS/001/2021Provision of Travel Agency and Air Ticketing services
EACHR/POS/002/2021Provision of car hire, bus hire and taxi services
EACHR/POS/003/2021Provision of courier services
EACHR/POS/004/2021Provision of Accommodation, Hotel facilities and Conference services-Nairobi, Kajiado, Marsabit, Garrisa, Homabay and Kisumu
EACHR/POS/005/2021Provision of Occupational Safety, Health and Advisory services (Audits & Quality controls, Assessments & Trainings)
EACHR/POS/006/2021Provision of Accounting & Audit Services
EACHR/POS/007/2021Provision of General & Medical Insurance services (Underwriters only)
EACHR/POS/008/2021Provision of Outsourced ICT services (Internet connectivity services, website design & maintenance & networks)
EACHR/POS/009/2021Provision of Office maintenance and repair services (electrical, plumbing, masonry and carpentry services)
EACHR/POS/010/2021Provision of workshop Rapporteurs
EACHR/POS/011/2021Provision of Research, Monitoring & Evaluation services
EACHR/POS/012/2021Provision of Program mobilization services
EACHR/POS/013/2021Provision of Program training facilitation services
EACHR/POS/014/2021Provision of graphic design, communications & Public relations, advertising & branding services
EACHR/POS/015/2021Provision of photography, videography & documentary /features production services
EACHR/POS/016/2021Provision of team building facilitation, psychosocial support, counselling supervision & debriefing services
EACHR/POS/017/2021Provision of HR consultancy & staff trainings
EACHR/POS/018/2021Provision of cleaning services, fumigation & pest control
EACHR/POS/019/2021Provision of event management & decoration
EACHR/POS/020/2021Repairs & maintenance of Photocopier & printers

Pre-qualification documents for interested bidders may be obtained  from EACHRights website www.eachrights.or.ke or make a request through procurement@eachrights.or.ke  

Interested bidders shall be required to pay a Non-refundable fee of Two Thousand Shillings (Kshs. 2,000) per tender document which should be deposited at


A/c name: The E,A, CENTR FOR H.RIGHTS TRU A/c Number: 01134127556606

Bidders should obtain an official receipt after submitting the bank slip from the Finance department which MUST be attached to the duly completed tender documents.

Completed forms as per the instructions should be submitted in plain sealed envelopes and clearly marked with the tender number and category being applied for and addressed to:



Note that all tender documents should be submitted on or before 10th June 2021 at 4.00 p.m.

EACHRights reserves the right to accept or reject any tender application either wholly or in part and is NOT bound to give reasons thereof.

Youth, Women and Persons with other abilities are encouraged to apply!

TENDER INSTRUCTIONS                                                                                                                       


The East African Centre for Human Rights (EACHRights) hereinafter referred to as “Procuring entity” intends to pre-qualify firms for the supply and delivery of goods and services. Pre-qualification is open to eligible companies as indicated in the instructions.

Pre-Qualification Objective

The main objectives of this part are to qualify firms to supply goods and services under the relevant tenders/quotations and Proposals as and when required for the year 2021 to 2023.


All the information requested for shall be provided in the English language.

Invitation of Pre-Qualification

Legal entities/ companies under the laws of Kenya with respective merchandise or services are invited to submit their tender documents  to  The  Procurement Committee. All mandatory information must be provided by any  eligible  and interested company.


Prospective firms must have carried out successful supply and delivery of similar goods/services to institutions of similar size and complexity. Potential firms must demonstrate the willingness and commitment to meet the tender criteria.

Eligible Companies

EACHRights’ employees and their relatives are not eligible to participate in the pre- qualification process.

Tender Document

The tender documents can be accessed at our offices in Cedar Court, House No. 4, Kilimani Area, Timau Road. All eligible and interested firms must provide required information and attach relevant documents requested.

Submission and Deadline of Pre-Qualification Documents

Hard copy applications should be submitted in plain sealed envelopes and clearly marked with the tender number and category being applied for and addressed to:



All tender documents should be submitted on or before 10th June 2021 at 4.00 p.m.

Tender Fee

Interested companies shall be required to pay a non- refundable fee of Two thousand shillings (Kshs. 2,000) per category applied for to The Co-operative Bank Ltd, A/c name: ‘The East African Centre for Human rights’.

Account NO.01134127556606.

A copy of the banking slip MUST be attached to the duly completed tender documents.

Those who do not attach a copy of the banking slip will be disqualified.

Questions Arising from Tender Documents

Questions and clarification that may  arise  from  the  tender  documents  should  be sent to info@eachrights.or.ke

EACHRights will only respond to questions received five days before the closing date.

Additional Information

EACHRights reserves the right to request the submission of additional information from prospective firms.

Notification of Successful and Unsuccessful companies

Only successful vendors will be notified in writing. However, EACHRights will place a notice on the website after completion of the pre-qualification process. Any firm that does not receive communication from EACHRights by the time we place the notice on the website should consider themselves unsuccessful. The notice will be placed on the website one month after the pre-qualification process is completed.

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We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)